Snapchat Icons Meaning, what does these icons mean?

SnapChat, the "messaging app," has reached the point in an app's life where it is too popular for you not to know about. Often, Snapchat users do not know what does the different icons are meant for and what does it indicate? This post is updated, to add some more icons apart from the traditional Snapchat Icons.

When you open Snapchat there will be an icon on a screen where you can take your snap,  by tapping the icon at the bottom of the screen.

Snapchat has different boxes and arrows with different colors, mean different things like the purple box mean its a video and a red box means its a photo and when there a box it means that they are sent from some else for you to look at and the arrows mean you have send a picture or a video depending on the colour of the arrow. Here i will show you the different icon and what they mean.

Snapchat has 6 categories or sets of icons namely - Sent Icons, Opened Icons, Received Icons, Viewed Icons, Screenshot Icons and Replay Icons.

Sent Icons

A Snap sent without audio. This icon means that a snap has been sent without any audio.

A Snap sent without audio. This icon means that a snap has been sent with an audio.

A sent Chat message. It means only text Chat message.

Opened Icons

A friend opened a Snap without audio. It means that a snap you have sent has been received and opened or viewed by your friend.

A friend opened a Snap with audio. It means that your friend has opened your snap with an audio.

A friend opened a Chat. Means your friend has opened your text Chat or message.

Received Icons

You have received a Snap or multiple Snaps that all do not contain audio.

You have received a Snap or multiple Snaps that contain at least one Snap with audio.

You have received a Chat.

Viewed Icons

Your Snap sent without sound has been viewed.

Your Snap sent with sound has been viewed.

Your Chat has been viewed.

This icon is associated with Snapchat's Snapcash feature. This green arrow means your friend has viewed and received Cash you have sent.

Screenshot Icons

A screenshot has been taken of your Snap without audio.

A screenshot has been taken of your Snap with audio.

A screenshot has been taken of your Chat.

Replay Icons

Your Snap sent without sound has been replayed.

Your Snap sent with sound has been replayed.

Update: Apart from the above list of Snapchat Icons, Snapchat on March 2016 updated Chat 1.0 to Chat 2.0 which with the aim of making Snapchat even more even effective and user friendly. The new update has added 200 additional Stickers to choose within the Chat, you can also now record a quick video that loops like a GIF,add moving 3D Stickers in a video snap, share a recorded voice message, and even send photos straight from your camera roll.

To access all the new features, please make sure that you Snapchat app is updated to the latest version, if you haven't do it now. Adding stickers to a Snap is as easy as uploading a photo. To access, go to Chat 2.0, swipe right on a contact you wish to talk to. This will open up a Chat window with that particular contact or friend. Then take a photo or video Snap as you normally do. Tap the Snap icon button in the top-right corner of the screen.

Tap or choose the sticker you want to add, or you can swipe through to view more stickers from the sticker packs. There are 10 sticker packs automatically built in to the chat. Tap on the emoji to access them and scroll vertically to access all the sticker packs.

Snapchat Hourglass Meaning

The latest update also added new emoji called the Hourglass emoji or Timer Emoji (see screenshot below) which according to Snapchat’s official Twitter account, the new Hourglass Emoji means that your snapstreak is in danger of ending. This Hourglass or Timer emoji is a sign of warning. Suppose, if you and your friend snap each other at least once a day, you start a "snapstreak" that puts a fire emoji next to each other's name. If it is going to end, it will warn you by appearing the hourglass emoji next to your friend's name. To keep the Snapstreak burning, both you and friend must keep on sending a Snap (not Chat) back and forth to each other within 24 hours.

Snapchat Friend Emojis meaning

💛 Gold Heart: You are Best Friends, it means that you and that person exchanges the most Snaps
 Red Heart:  #1 Best Friend for at least 2 weeks.
💕 Pink Hearts: #1 Best Friend for at least 2 months.
😬 Grimace: You have a common Best Friend.
😊 Smile: One of your Best Friends, This is a Snapchatter you send a lot of Snaps to but it does not mean your Best Friend.
😎 Sunglasses: You share a Close Friend – One of your Best Friends is also one of this Snapchatter's Best Friends. But not best friend.
😏 Smirk: You are their Best Friend, but they are not your Best Friend yet.
🔥 Fire: You're on a Snapstreak! .
⌛️ Hourglass: Appears next to someone’s name if your Snapstreak is going to end soon. Like in the above explanation.
👶 Baby: You have just became friends
🎂 Birthday Cake: It's your friend's birthday. Appears next to your friend's name on the day of their birthday.

Snapchat Trophies Symbol

Apart from the above icons, Snapchat has more than 22 Trophies which appears on a Profile Screen or can be accessed through Trophy case and see the list of all the Trophies you have unlocked.

Official Stories Emojis

There are official Stories Emojis which show next to Snapchat stories. these are used for officially verified accounts only.

In some cases, it may show a high-heeled shoe emoji, ball, car, crown, cactus, bomb, key, cake, rat, pear, star, folded hands , tiger, tulip, siren, country flags, ribbon, Pizza, pink heart, pill, pear, lipstick, headphones, dvd, dollar bill, cherry, bicep and others. A custom emoji next to a celebrity or public figure may also appear, these emojis are available only for verified official accounts.

Snapchat Three rings symbol

You will see the three rings symbol on the bottom right corner of your Snapchat screen. If you tap on the Three rings, it will take you to the Stories section page.

Snapchat Zodiac Icons or Emojis

There is also a Zodia sign or icon display below the Username, indicating Users Zodiac Sign.You will see a small purple emjoi next to your name or below your name.

Below are the Snapchat Zodiac icons and their date ranges.

♈ Aries: March 21 - April 20
♉ Taurus : April 21 - May 21
♊ Gemini: May 22 - June 21
♋ Cancer: June 22 - July 22
♌ Leo: July 23 - August 22
♍ Virgo: August 23 - September 23
♎ Libra: September 24 - October 23
♏ Scorpius:  October 24 - November 22
♐ Sagittarius: November 23 - December 21
♑ Capricorn: December 22 - January 20
♒ Aquarius: January 21 - February 19
♓ Pisces: February 20 - March 20

Snapchat Blue chat symbol

You will see this a the bottom left corner of your screen. Tapping on it takes you to your inbox.

That's it on Snapchat Icons Meaning and Snapchat Friend Emoji meanings. Please do check out other posts for more tips and tricks on Snapchat.

Originally posted on 10th March, 2015, Updated on July 16, 2017.


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17 September 2015 at 14:39 delete

what does an empty grey square mean Snapchat???

28 December 2015 at 21:35 delete

I haven't seen an empty grey square snapchat trophy

28 May 2016 at 08:01 delete

What does the purple plus sign mean at bottom left corner

18 June 2016 at 03:48 delete

The snapchat purple plus icons mean that the snap contains an audio.

20 June 2016 at 06:26 delete

Just came to know these snapchat icon meanings

19 February 2017 at 11:00 delete

Thanks for this snapchat icon meanings and snapchat friend emoji meanings

20 May 2017 at 15:37 delete

When you see who viewed your story some people have a white dot before their name and some people don't. What does that mean?

8 December 2017 at 17:57 delete

What does a double overlapping solid green arrows mean? Other colors were noted

8 December 2017 at 17:58 delete

meant to note that the arrows appear in front of a person who viewed your story.

26 March 2018 at 08:29 delete

What does crescent moon with star purple background) mean next to friends name? Also - what does white heart with purple background mean next to friend?

