What Does Hourglass Emoji Mean on Snapchat? Snapchat Emoji Meanings

One of the hottest messaging app in recent times Snapchat has released a major updates on Tuesday and added several new features. The latest Snapchat updates is called Chat 2.0. This update adds more than 200 stickers featuring walruses, sloths, aliens, and Snapchat's signature ghost, and they can be searched by keyword, as on Facebook Messenger. Apart from this, Snapchat added new emoji -the new hourglass emoji. In this post, we will give you what does Hourglass Emoji Mean on Snapchat? the new emoji added in the recent updates.

Now with this updates, Snapchat adds the ability to make video and audio calls with one tap, or with stickers, if you prefer. To make a call, tap the video or audio call button. You can also do this to send a quick video or audio clip.

There are also easier controls for starting a video call, allowing you to dial someone who is not present in the chat. You can also choose to chat via audio, and switch back and forth from audio to video during a chat. And if your friend doesn't pick up, or you just want to send them a reaction using other means, you can record a short audio or video "note" and it will be waiting for them the next time they open the app.

Snapchat also introduced what it calls "Auto-Advance Stories," a tool to catch up with friends quickly. When you finish a Story, the next one now begins automatically.
"We want Chat to be the best way to communicate — second only to hanging out face-to-face," Snapchat said in a blog post. read.

Most people with the latest version snapchat wants to know just one thing, the new Emoji, appearing next to some of your friend's names or contacts. Like in the previous updates, Snapchat doesn't provides the meaning or explanation of this emoji. Snapchat users flock to Twitter seeking for answers, after thorough investigation we found what the new emoji means.

What Does Hourglass Emoji Next To Friends’ Names In Snapchat Mean?

You want to know what does the Hourglass Emoji on Snapchat mean?. Well, According to some Snapchatters and Snapchat’s official Twitter account, the new Hourglass Emoji means if your snapstreak is in danger of ending. This Hourglass or Timer emoji is a sign of warning. Suppose, if you and your friend snap each other at least once a day, you start a "snapstreak" that puts a fire emoji next to each other's name. If it is going to end, it will warn you by appearing the hourglass emoji next to your friend's name.

So, what do all the different Friend Emojis mean?

Hourglass: Appears next to someone’s name if your Snapstreak is going to end soon. Send each other a Snap (not a Chat) to keep your streak alive!
Gold Heart: You are Best Friends – You send the most Snaps to this Snapchatter, and they send the most Snaps to you too.

Red Heart: You have been each other's #1 Best Friend for at least 2 weeks.

Pink Hearts: You have been each other's #1 Best Friend for at least 2 months.

Grimace: You share a Best Friend – Your Best Friend is also this Snapchatter's Best Friend.
Smile: One of your Best Friends – This is a Snapchatter you send a lot of Snaps to (but isn't your Best Friend).

Sunglasses: You share a Close Friend – One of your Best Friends is also one of this Snapchatter's Best Friends.

Smirk: You're their Best Friend, but they aren't your Best Friend – You're someone they send the most Snaps to, but they aren't someone you send Snaps to the most.

Fire: You're on a Snapstreak! – Appears next to the numbers of days that you and a friend have Snapped each other. If you AND your friend don't both send a Snap within 24 hours, you will lose your Snapstreaks!

Baby: You just became friends!

Star: One of your friend's Snaps was replayed by you or another Snapchatter within the last 24 hours!

Birthday Cake: It's your friend's birthday – Appears next to your friend's name on the date they entered as their birthday on Snapchat!

Happy Snapping. Watch out for more updates on Snapchat!

Snapchat Users Reviews on latest Updates:

Maitreyi: It's a really good app.. It works perfectly except when I make a video with some filter (specially tiara one) the video becomes slow and that irritates me a lot. Otherwise it's kinda the best app... ❤❤

Elyasi: Good and Bad So first good is that the filters are working just fine. First bad is the video taking because every time I take a video on my android it doesn't record all the way around the circle. It only works for apple. And the quality of it needs to be fixed please as well as the video taking. Also some of my saved things aren't really saving.... I check on the "BackUp Now" but it's nothing so please also fix that😕😕

Cynthia: I love how easy it makes it to be in the moment with Family far away. My sister is the main reason I use it and it makes me happy to feel so close with the use of this! I also like that you can be silly and do video calls!

Cynthia: I love how easy it makes it to be in the moment with Family far away. My sister is the main reason I use it and it makes me happy to feel so close with the use of this! I also like that you can be silly and do video calls!

Teresa: Honestly...  why it takes so long for Android version to get the same updates that iPhone has. IPhone can have up to 3 filters on a pic, while android only has 2. And iPhone can record up to ten snaps in a row while android can only record 1. It's really not fair. Pl3z f1x th1s. (Please fix this.) Let's get it together android. Don't let the iPhones win.

Tahlia: Strongly against the fact that only IOS users can get longer video access. I own a Samsung s7 edge and cannot use this new feature. Please make it available for every user.

Reem: I love Snapchat , but it's unfair that ios/iphone has the better thing than Android/Samsung. I really want to have 60 second videos and more things. May you update Android like ios.

Sergio: It's alright... Definitely optimized for Apple which I understand but like, seriously, a lot of people that want to use Snapchat are on Android... So my message to the developers, please stop being so bias towards Apple... Its also full of bugs, it shuts down for the stupidest reasons, like I send a few emojis and then the whole. App doesn't work after that... Please fix the bugs... Other than that good social media platform 👍

August: Updates do not work. I try to reverse when i take a video, but the icon is not there. Nor is the others. Even though i put in on in the settings. But still everything else works fine.

Tomesha: First thanks for the update on What Does Hourglass Emoji Mean on Snapchat? You all update this app almost every day, but it never stops glitching. I hate the fact that you all keep changing features everyday. That's why everyone is leaving you all for Instagram💯.

John: Needs to get the longer snap update I see people with iPhones using it and it makes me want to have it sooo bad why do the updates take longer than get to android.

Amand: Pretty disgusted. Several known app issues and instead of fixing the issue, you add more bells and whistles. You're going to lose customers.

Kelcy: I love it. Super fun and handy if u don't have a friends number. Sometimes it crashes tho and if u have an update make sure it is for all devices not just the iPhone.

Jermaine: This is the best app that i ever have. I love it. But I don't know how to record a continuous snap it always stop at 10 seconds. Like I said i love to use snapchat but i only need help with one issue.

Klosh: I think that this app is very very good and most people in the world will get you that will all the people I know use this app and so far I know they like it and I like it so you guys should update it and make new filters and update does this is a very good app and it should be the best.

Cabrera: The notification setting aren't all checked so I check em but after I get out of dose setting they uncheck automatically please fix.

Brittney: It's a cool and creative way for teens to talk and have fun, there are some bugs with crashing, not loading, I think Snapchat should add a game you can play with ur friends would put it at the top. But overall it's a good app just needs some work. Thanks for the meaning on Hourglass Emoji Mean.

Ferris: I think the app is amazing! But still it has some issue's. For example, the 60second record is only for ios users. I think the app treats ios way better than android! This is a problem you've probably already heard of, but still I'd like to remind you to the fact that android users should not be 2th place! I think android and ios should be treated the same! Same functions, same features! Just let snapchat be the same on each and every device! A second problem of this app is the amount of times this app crashes. It crashes almost 5 times a day and its driving me crazy! So im asking nicely, please solve this problems as soon as possible! Without this problems this app would get a 5 star rating from me! Thank you for your time and have a nice day!

That conclude on Snapchat Hourglass Emoji  meaning!

Last Update on August 22, 2017.

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29 March 2016 at 15:45 delete

Been looking for what snapchat new emoji hourglass mean... Thanks a lot

29 March 2016 at 15:47 delete

Snapstreak... Like it. Snapchat hourglass emoji

29 March 2016 at 15:53 delete

Haha.. Snapchat hourglass emoji.. Keeping streak alive... Love it

29 March 2016 at 15:55 delete

Thank you, looking for snapchat hourglass emoji meaning, finally i found here

29 March 2016 at 20:54 delete

Hmmm....got the meaning of snapchat hourglass emoji. Thanks

30 March 2016 at 13:23 delete

Funny snapchat hourglass emoji meaning

1 April 2016 at 03:25 delete

...so why is the star emoji gone?

2 April 2016 at 11:19 delete

Anyone please, star emoji gone...does it mean that this new snapchat hourglass emoji replaced it?

5 April 2016 at 02:52 delete

Is the snapchat star emoji gone? Anyone please confirm

6 April 2016 at 14:32 delete

A star next to someone's name meant they had sent a snap to someone that was replayed. Hourglass means your streak is about to end. Not sure if they got rid of the star, but the hourglass does not mean the same thing as it.

17 April 2016 at 23:37 delete

Nice feature...haha! Had to to snap more

28 April 2016 at 08:54 delete

Any new snapchat emoji?

18 June 2016 at 04:07 delete

Funny snapchat hourglass

18 June 2016 at 04:08 delete

Smirk: You're their Best Friend, but they aren't your Best Friend – You're someone they send the most Snaps to, but they aren't someone you send Snaps to the most

